The Słubfurt parliament has been meeting since 2012 whenever there are important issues that need to be discussed regarding the development of the joint German-Polish city space of Słubfurt. Whoever attends is automatically a city representative and is entitled to a vote. The parliament currently meets in the Agora of the city of Słubfurt on the „Bridge Plaza”. Up until 2011 the “Słubfurt parliament” was made up of 15 delegates: seven parties could each send two delegates and one delegate who did not belong to a party. The constitution of Słubfurt provides that each party must consist of at least two people from Słub and two from Furt. “Speed dates” were organized so that parties could be founded in order to participate in the first free communal elections on 11.07.2009. After this speed dating event seven parties were admitted: the SPP (Słubfurt polyglot party), SWG (Słubfurt Wspólnie Gemeinsam), LSP (Laborartory Słubfurt Party), Poliminis/ Polimaluchy, POBG (Party Bez ohne Granic), the UnPartei.lichen/Partia Nie Partia, and The FForstpartei/Sojusz Leśny
ZeitBankCzasu underlines the meaning of this slogan. Imagine a community where individual skills can be exchanged on the basis of time units. Everybody can offer services according to their skills and fields of interest and is paid on an equal basis, just as everybody else. Income differences don’t depend on class, heritage or education and degrees, but solely on the time reasonably spent to do the job. ZeitBankCzasu rewards volunteer work in the public interest of Słubfurt in the currency of Studzina and Minutyn. Time-based money acquired in this way
magine you are seeking asylum. You are searching for a new home or you might fear losing your home. The story begins in autumn 2014 when we founded a choir with asylum seekers and other citizens from Frankfurt and Słubice. We did not turn into great choristers, but we got to know each other, we sang together, we had fun together, we gathered for picnics and we started to help each other in one or another way: we collected clothes and furniture, organized transport, provided legal aid, organized interviews and interpreting services, cooked, repaired things and lots more. Since 2016 the “Bridge Plaza” has become a new home for many new Słubfurt residents

Asylum in Słubfurt
Singing cultures
During the time of socialism, they were forbidden to tell about their fate. During the Second World War, and even years after its end, they were sent to gulags, or labor camps in Siberia, because they came from families of large landowners (they were considered to be the so-called “Gulags”). “kulaks”), they were active Polish patriots or simply because they expressed opposition to the new order. When they were allowed to return home after many years, their small homelands often lay within the borders of the Soviet Union, so they were ordered to settle in the region of the Polish-German borderland. Since 1990, they have been free to tell their story, although they are sometimes instrumentalized by supporters of the nation-state.
Singing cultures
People from different cultures want to sing altogether the songs they remember and love. If we can sing together, why shouldn’t we live together. The journey might be long. But a good song shortens the way. So come together, join our chorus and strike up the sound of cultures.
Yusef yusef
yusef cooking at refugees home "Seefichten"
Bridge square, the Agora of Słubfurt
Słubfurt exists only because the residents believe in this unique city. It is thus very important that all the people actively participate in the creation of this city. The “Bridge Plaza“ can be viewed as a laboratory for artists. It is here that new socio-political structures emerged that have stood the test of time in our micro-society. For example, the Parliament of Słubfurt where everyone who attends a parliamentary session automatically becomes a city representative with the right to vote. Or the convention of “key holders”, that brings together all active regulars of the „Bridge Plaza” who have been given a key to the former gymnasium and have administrative access to our events calendar. They proved themselves worthy of our trust and have been given responsibility. In addition, everyone can come and participate in the activities at the “Bridge Plaza ” and implement their own ideas. It is a place where an artists’ society is made possible:

The Słubfurt Market Place at the “Bridge Plaza” represents a common space for all residents of Frankfurt and Słubice in search of an open society. Age is of no importance.
The Słubfurt Market is the place of the Café BlaBla, where you are welcome to enjoy a chat over a cup of tea or coffee.
The Słubfurt Market is the place of the FreeShop, where you can take what others don’t need and where you can offer what you don’t need any more.
The Słubfurt Market is the place of the Repaircafé, where you can fix things yourself or help others to fix their broken things.
The Słubfurt Market is a workshop that is open to all and sundry and where you can share your skills with others or learn new skills.
The Słubfurt Market is an open-plan office space ready for you to use.
The Słubfurt Market is the place of an intercultural garden, where you can garden.