The embassy of Nowa Amerika
Individual exhibition
25.02. – 25. 03. 2021
Galerie B | Frankfurt (Oder)
A mixture of an exhibition and a one month artist residency. The Galerie B is runned by the local art association, a really good chance to link exhibition with artist residency getting in direct contact with interested visitors. Thanks a lot to Jan Rudow and Jan Poppenhagen for the photo documentary and to Roksana Vikaluk and Wolfram Spyra for composing the music for the Nowa Amerika hymn. Thanks to Egbert Otto for his brilliant speech at the finissage.
Reaalsus on kokkulepe | Reality is an agreement
Individual exhibition
11.04. – 25. 04. 2018
Valga Cultural Centre | Estonia
lecture at Tallinn Art Hall Kunstihoone at 23.04.2018, 5pm
lectura at Riga (Latvia) Art Academy at 25.04.2018, 2pm
The exhibition is part of the trilogy that started off on the 3rd of April, when the exhibition “What do you see? What would you like to see?” was opened in Valga Museum. In the same day the brand new exhibition space Brivibas gallery was opened with the exhibition “Weird feeling” by Alexei Gordin.
All the three exhibitions are part of the collective research “100 poplars”, coordinated by Tanel Rander. The exhibitions are supported by the Center for Contemporary Arts Estonia and their Estonia 100 art program “Comers, Goers and Stayers – the histories of Estonian communities”.
The production and travel costs of the exhibition of Michael Kurzwelly has been supported by the city of Frankfurt (Oder).
Manipuliere die wirklichkeit oder sie manipuliert dich
Individual exhibition
18.02. – 25. 02. 2018
Künstlerbund Heilbronn, Karlstraße 55, 74072 Heilbronn
Konstrukcja Rzeczywistości | Wirklichkeitskonstruktion
Individual exhibition
20.01. – 28. 02. 2017
Galeria Okno, Słubicki Miejski Ośrodek Kultury ul. I Maja 1 | PL-69-100 Słubice
Konstrukcja Rzeczywistości jako metoda stosowana
Individual exhibition
8. – 18. 09. 2016
Projektraum Schwedenstr. 16 | D-13357 Berlin
Space identity
Group exhibition
Tabakfabrik Vierraden
Schwedterstraße 19
16303 Schwedt/Vierraden
Słubfurt, Nowa Amerika, Weisse zone…
Asylum in Słubfurt
participatory installation, participatory happening
participatory installation
participatory happening
Kleist Forum (im Foyer)
Platz der Einheit 1
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Boom, Bubble & Blast – “Sztuka przeciwko Kryzysu”
group exhibition
Riesa Efau, Motorenhalle
Wachsbleichstraße 4a
01067 Dresden
Nowa Amerika Tours
Installation, Video
Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien
“Gute Nachbarschaft? | Dobre Sąsiedztwo?”, Curator: Magda Ziomek-Frąckowiak
Witamy w Beelitz
Video (2008)
Gdańsk City Gallery / The Günther Grass Gallery
“Nachbarn – Sąsiedzi”, Curator: Magda Ziomek-Frąckowiak
Słubfurt miasto nad Odrą
26.02.-13.03. 2011
Freies Museum Berlin
“The European Record”
Słubfurt miasto nad Odrą
installation, video
Mediations Biennale Poznań/Poland “Erased Walls”, Curator: Sławomir Sobczak