1983-1985 Alternative service with Aktion Sühnezeichen/Friedensdienste (ActionforReconciliation/ Peace Service) and work inagriculture in Calvados, France
1985-1992 Studied painting at the Alanus Academy of Art in Alfter/Bonn.
1993-1998 He founded and directed the International Art Centre (Międzynarodowe Centrum Sztuki) in Poznań, Poland.
1992-1998 he lived and worked in Poznań, Poland
since 1998 he has livesand worksin Słubfurt
2004-2018 lectureship at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
since 2005 Director and curator (from the german side) of the German-Polish photo and multimediafestival “lAbiRynT”.
2009 one-year working scholarship Stiftung Kunstfondssince
2012 Member of the IKG (International Board of Artists)
2019 Federal Cross of Merit for Słubfurt and NowaAmerika
2020 Artist’s Scholarship of the State of Brandenburg
2021 Artist’s Scholarship of the State of Brandenburg
2021 Six-month working grant from the Stiftung Kunstfonds (Art Fund Foundation)
2022 Publication of the book “Nowa Amerika”