Transbordering laboratory
Transbordering Laboratory is a network of individuals and
non-governental organisations to link borderland areas of national
states as cross border regional entities In Between. To achieve this
goal we develop transbordering structures, platforms and projects to
gather, exchange experiences and promote our idea.

Bridge Square , the agora of Słubfurt
The “Bridge Plaza“ can be viewed as a laboratory for artists. It is here that new socio-political structures emerged that have stood the test of time in our micro-society. For example, the Parliament of Słubfurt where everyone who attends a parliamentary session automatically becomes a city representative with the right to vote…

Laboratory – Bridge Square
Laboratorium Brückenplatz by Slubfurt e.V. with the Kleist Forum Frankfurt/Oder: HATE SPEECH – CIVIL WAR?
The consequences of civil wars, post colonial exploitation and unresolved international conflicts stand as refugee movements before our borders. That is why we want to examine…

Transbordering Laboratory
Transbordering Laboratory is a research on and between European cities that are divided by borders. We aim to address the idea of forming new realities in such cities and areas. Hard borders became an issue again with the rise of nationalism and the pandemic, especially for citizens in the border territories. Many of the border…

Gardens of Słubfurt
“Słubfurt Gardens” is a project of the European New School of Digital Studies of the European University Viadrina and Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, the Foundation for the Collegium Polonicum and Słubfurt e.V.. In the German-Polish twin city of Frankfurt (Oder) and Słubice, two new urban community gardens…

Art saves the world II
Nowa Amerika is a backbone amoeba formed by the two rivers Odera and Nyße. Nowa Amerika is a federation composed of Szczettinstan, Terra Incognita, Lebus Ziemia and Schlonsk. This new space in between expands towards the East Pole and the West Pole and the size of the space is determined by the origin of the players…

A country inbetween
Słubfurt 2030. The future is now. Coming here from all corners of the world, the new Słubfurters bring with them their experiences, patterns and perspectives for a today. A scenic installation explored this utopian island in the sea of Nowa Amerika. For now. And here. Future is welcome. The production emerges from the migrants…

Nomadic Garden – the flying Nowa Amerika Uniwersytät
The Nomadic Garden aims to research the cultural needs of the residents of Nowa Amerika and also to recruit new Nowa Amerikans who would like to join the social and cultural activities of our network. The Nomadic Garden is a metaphor for our German-Polish border…

In the land of migrants
In the German-Polish border region you will not only meet Germans and Poles but also migrants. When the borders of Poland were shifted from east to west, one of the largest migration waves of the 20th century took place. Apart from forced removals of people from the previously Polish and German eastern regions, there were many other ethnic groups that had to find a new home in the GermanPolish border region. These topics…

Art saves the world
Nowa Amerika with its capital Słubfurt – what is that? It all began with an artistic idea that became an expansive work of art along the German-Polish border. An autonomous work of art, one that follows its own laws. Reality construction is its leitmotif. We witness the birth of a region that is gradually gaining a foothold in the living world…